Awakening the spine

Here is a 10 minute sequence to awaken the spine. FInd a comfortable seated position (elevate the hips with a folded blanket if your back is a little rounded) and ensure your base remains stable throughout the practice. Always move slowly and mindfully and work in a...
Releasing muscle tension

Releasing muscle tension

For many people the stresses of daily life manifest in our physical bodies as muscular tension. We may hold fear, uncertainty, stress and anxiety in our bodies as tension. Over time this creates aches, pains and stiffness in the body leaving us feeling exhausted or...

Earth connection……

It is easy to become disenchanted when our sense of stability is rocked to the very core. Fire, flood, earthquakes, cyclones and tsunamis have touched us all in some way in recent times. Events such as these bring up so many emotions: sadness, fear, disbelief but also...