When one rests in savasana, we create an opportunity for letting go. Within the knots of our muscles, are emotional reactions from past experiences. As we surrender to stillness and our body begins to relax, these pockets of tension may rise to the surface of our awareness. It is important to make space for these thoughts and emotions, yet to remain unattached: to simply acknowledge and observe them. When the emotional reactions rise to the surface, the energy trapped within them is released. We may, as a consequence experience a sense of lightness and increased vitality.
Allowing 10 – 20 minutes of active relaxation is a wonderful way to begin your yoga practice. Choose simple techniques to focus the mind; watching the breath rise and fall, establishing sama vritti or equal breathing (where the length of the inhalation and exhalation are equal) or repetition of a silent mantra. Having found some level of stillness in body and mind, together with a release of energy trapped within the body as stress and tension, you can move into your asana practice with more ease, awareness and energy.
Namaste and blessings