Opening to the day

Below is a short yoga sequence that explores gentle upper body movements synchronised with the breath. Each movement can be experienced as a gesture (mudra) that evokes a certain mood or attitude within. For me, an asana practice is a series of full body mudras; each...
Yoga for your hands – Hasta Mudras

Yoga for your hands – Hasta Mudras

In class this week, we explored hasta mudras or hand gestures. Mudras are yoga positions for your hands and fingers that can be practised sitting, lying down, standing or walking. Mudras can be practised anywhere and at any time, however for best results, one should...

Building our strength reserves through gesture (Mudra)

The kidneys are connected to the second chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and the element of water. Physiologically, hatha yoga works on the hips, lumbar, and sacral regions to stimulate this energy. Specific asanas can also aid in maintaining and...