For those who attend my regular yoga classes, you will know that my favourite poet is Danna Faulds. Her words so often marry beautifully with my intention or theme for the week’s teachings. For me, richness of experience is deepened when the many aspects or layers of who I am are touched in the practice.  Movement and breath liberate held tension and energy in the body, which gives rise to feelings and emotions. When we give space for these feelings and emotions to be met and accepted as they are (without trying to fix or change anything) new levels of freedom become available to us.  Listening to poetry as part of a yoga class, gives us space to simply BE, to rest quietly and listen. As the words meet us, something awakens, stirs and moves through the body and mind. This is my experience…..may it also be yours. X

Whatever Doesn’t Serve by Danna Faulds

What weight can you put down right now, willingly relinquishing the pointed quills of guilt or judgement?

What burden of the heart can lift, what dark corner can be lit, the candle flickering at first, then burning bright?

With the next breath, let it go, that old story you’ve told yourself a million times.

Whatever doesn’t serve you on this path of truth, leave it behind.

Offer this one gift: the simple sacrifice that in the giving sets you free to fully live.